Empowering Women through Participatory Governance
The involvement of citizens in Gram Sabhas is fundamental for community development, however in Bihar, the historical participation of women has been constrained, leading to a neglect of women specific

Empowering Change: Women Spearheading Transformative Health & Nutrition Enterprises
Health and nutrition enterprises are key players in promoting wellness, offering innovative products, educational initiatives, and tailored solutions for holistic health. They bridge the gap between scientific developments and consumer

एक अनोखी पहल – अनिता देवी और उनकी स्थिति में बदलाव
चिन्हित सतत जीविकोपार्जन योजना (SJY) परिवार को ग्राम संगठन, जीविका, मनरेगा के समन्वय से आजीविका संवर्धन एवं सशक्तिकरण श्रीमती अनिता देवी, पति श्री. अखिलेश प्रसाद, ग्राम हर्दवन, पंचायत घोड़ाघाट के

A Bright & Shiny Future
Sudha a young woman from Jainagar block, Madhubani, has a humble background and stands as an inspiration to others. She needs no introduction in her Panchayat, as her work and

From Dreams to Reality: How Thriving Plantations Became Livelihoods
Rinku Devi, a young woman in her thirties from Barhi village of Jainagar block, Madhubani is the face of change. Married quite early to Birendra, a small-holder farmer, she led

Survey Register updation improves as knowledge gap among ASHAs were addressed
“Initially when the block coordinators reviewed my register there were errors. I used to get confused in filling the data. However, when we received the training, it gave us clarity

Availing her right to work through MGNREGA PCI India is providing Technical Assistance (TA) to Rural Development Department (RDD) in Bihar to advance women’s economic empowerment through social and economic

VEENA DEVI AT ONE OF THE CLF MEETING VENUE SAFAL Project of PCI aims to create a pool of 300 community leaders in Bihar to cascade the knowledge of life

Under the shade of the banyan tree, Madhavi sat to think, On how her life with her two children will pass by in a blink, No means of earning, no

Seeds of Change
PCI India, as part of its Technical Assistance to Department of Rural Development, Bihar, aims to increase the participation of women in MGNREGA – the national flagship scheme meant to