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Program Officer-SRH

Position: Program Officer-SRH
No. of Vacancy: 1
Reporting Line: Program Manager-SRH
Location: Sheikhpura
Duration: 7 months

About the Project:

Through this project, PCI proposes to focus on developing and demonstrating critical metrics in the designated districts of Sheikhpura, Katihar, Khagaria and Patna urban PHCs, which can become models of FP and MH, which, in turn, can be showcased, replicated, and scaled up in other geographies in the future.This project seeks to optimise the use of a range of Government schemes, provisions and facility-level care around maternal health and family planning services by women and their families needing appropriate care by systematically working with Government health systems, Centres of excellence and development partner forums.

The project will focus on the following objectives:

i. Strengthen quality maternal health and family planning service delivery in identified priority districts of Katihar, Khagaria, Sheikhpura and the Urban PHCs of Patna, making them exemplars for learning and replication.
ii. Build institutional arrangements and effective mechanisms, comprising monitoring, mentoring, and putting data to work to improve the effectiveness and quality of the maternal health and family planning programme in the targeted areas.
iii. Engage community-based organisations to co-design and drive communication campaigns around SRHR and Maternal Health.
iv. Capture the key learning and manage knowledge related to the entire quality improvement process.
v. Enable identified facilities to reach the gold standard of quality care around Family planning and maternal health and achieve due certification for their quality.

Position Brief:

PCI proposes to hire one Program Officer to provide technical support in the implementation of the Project in the intervention district of Sheikhpura. S/he will be accountable for the achievement of project goals and delivery of project outcomes at district level. S/he will be responsible for ensuring the implementation of project activities, maintaining working relationship at the district with relevant stakeholders, manage field teams and provide reports for the purpose of review and planning of project activities.

a. The Program Officer will support the Program Manager in representing program design and activities at district level, and field interventions to fulfill the project goals and objectives. S/he will ensure the overall quality of the implementation of the project in their respective districts. S/he will also coordinate with the PCI state team to ensure the administrative, operations, and logistics support to their district teams.

b. Facilitate in developing overall work plans, activity timeline and key result areas for their respective districts, and ensure regular review of project deliverables, and other related activities.
c. Support to Program Manager in administrative team management (work plan, leave, travel plan, activity report, performance plan etc.) for the field teams.
d. Work closely with the district officials and partner agencies and provide inputs on project implementation. Take part in district level planning meetings, review meetings, partners meeting and any other relevant meetings at district level.

Major Duties and Responsibilities:

(A) Planning

(1) Developing a detailed action plan and technical support strategies for the district that align to achieve month wise program action plan commitments.
(2) Extend support in identification, selection, and program induction of the block team.
(3) Facility assessment at the district and block levels based on the guidelines provided under SUMAN, LAQSHYA, FPLMIS and HMIS, preparation of the district report on the findings and development of work plan.
(4) District level review and analysis of status of thematic intervention activities under NHM falling under RMNCH+A from the PIP budget allocation with respect to actual implementation and expenditure.
Based on the findings, the identification of the gaps and challenges in the implementation of the PIP and provide inputs to the district health department after consultation with State team.
(5) Coordinate and provide support at the blocks for formation/strengthening the review committees formed SUMAN and LAQSHYA.
(6) Facilitate in the development of the District and Block level annual plans in the districts for implementation of MPV, SUMAN & FPLMIS and provide support in development of action plan for Maternal Health, Family planning and adolescent health programs in the districts.

(B) Implementation
(1) Development of a comprehensive work plan with clear demarcation of district-based activities with timelines.
(2) Orient and facilitate the district team with inputs, tools, and guidelines for gap assessment of the facilities as per the operational guidelines of SUMAN, LAQSHYA and FPLMIS.
(3) Ensuring development of monthly work plan and report, period review of status of work through desk reviews and field visits to provide support, assess the progress, quality and timeliness of the work done by block teams.
(4) Support to Program Manager in administrative team management (work plan, leave, travel plan, activity report, performance plan etc.) for the block teams.
(5) Review, plan facility visits and meetings, consultation with nodal person at the district regarding LaQshya, SUMAN and FPLMIS guidelines.
(6) District wise support, review and quality check of the activities planned after gap assessment of SUMAN, LAQSHYA, FPLMIS and ensure the completion of activities as per the work plan for each quarter.
(7) Facilitate the development of guidelines, resource materials and plan for the capacity building of the district and block teams.
(8) Provide facilitative support to operationalize the delivery points to make them effectively deliver RMNCH+A services.
(9) Undertake an assessment of all the trainings on RMNCH+A issues (including FP, MH, safe abortion, adolescent health) and facilitate the critical trainings.
(10) Assist in effective implementation of LMIS at different levels & monitor the progress of roll-out of FPLMIS & provide feedback to district officials.
(11) Strengthen the operationalization of the health and wellness centres in the district to provide RMNCH+A services and other services as laid out in the guidelines.
(12) Strengthen the community level interventions through the sub centres and ASHAs for quality service delivery at the community level.
(13) Facilitate in implementing flagship programs such as PMSMA, JSY, JSSK, roll out of injectables services, roll out of FP LMIS etc.
(14) Follow-up of MDSR reporting on Asha days to implement regular reporting and review.
(15) Participate and provide inputs in District level planning and review meetings.

(C )Guidance material / capacity building

(1) Provide inputs in the planning of the critical trainings in the health sector with the objective of operationalizing the health institutions.
(2) Review of the program guidelines and operational procedures related to SRH, MH and FP to ensure development of capacity building materials (training modules, guides, checklists). Support to the facility of DH & DHS for the improvement of labour room & OT for skill-based training to medical officers & Staff Nurses at the district.
(3) Orient and facilitate the block teams with inputs, tools, and guidelines for gap assessment of the facilities as per the operational guidelines of SUMAN, LAQSHYA and FPLMIS.
(4) Facilitate in capacity Building of Staff nurses on SBA to achieve the SUMAN standards.
(5) Support in District Based Training of RMNCH+A counsellor of all blocks on comprehensive SRH services.
(6) Support in capacity building of staff at Helpdesk established by JEEViKA to be trained as a Help desk under SUMAN for Grievance redressal.
(7) Develop the community engagement work plan for Sheikhpura district and capacity building of Vikas Mitra, beauticians and Yuva Mitra for family planning to integrate the issues with their work with the community.
(8) Co-ordinate with the district officials in ensuring that adequate guidance material and protocols are available in the health institutions for delivering the health and RH services as per evidence-based practices.

(D) Supportive Supervision and Quality assurance

(1) Ensuring development of monthly work plan and report, period review of status of work through desk reviews and field visits to provide support, assess the progress, quality and timeliness of the work.
(2) Undertake regular supportive supervision visits and share feedback with district officials & concerned facility and facilitate the process of filling the identified gaps.
(3) Facilitate monthly self-assessment by the concerned facility quality team using LaQshya and SUMAN guidelines.
(4) Facilitate the quality assurance interventions in the district and strengthen the DQAC (frequency of visits, meetings and monitoring of consent issues).
(5) Analyze the HMIS data and develop trends and analysis for the various thematic areas under the RMNCH+A framework.
(6) Facilitate quality assurance mechanisms under various programmes such Family Planning, LaQShya, SUMAN, NQAC etc.
(7) Analyze the HMIS and FPLMIS data, including quality of data, to measure the progress made in key indicators, rank blocks on the basis of health services rendered and overall performance of community processes. Present analysis at the monthly meeting at the district. Set up a system of ranking blocks/health facilities and in designing differential support to poor performing blocks.

(E) Documentation
(1) Building and strengthening the resource pool for the program to develop materials, provide technical support, documentation, and knowledge management.
(2) Support in the process of learning, concurrent monitoring, identifying, and capturing voices of champions and beneficiaries, knowledge management and documentation of best practices.
(3) Prepare and share Periodic District wise progress reports for review and assessment.
(4) Analyze, consolidate, and produce comprehensive reports on training, implementation, and quality from time to time; contribute to other reports related to training, quality, and implementation of project interventions.


Candidate must have Postgraduate Degree/Diploma or equivalent degree in Rural Development/Social work/Sociology/Management/Science or a related field from a reputed university/ institute.


1. The ideal candidate shall have substantial experience of working (not below 4 years) with government and development organizations and expertise in preferably one or more of the following domains:
• Maternal Health
• Family Planning
• Quality assessment programs like LaQshya and Suman
• Implementation of Govt. flagship programs such as PMSMA, JSY, JSSK etc.

2. Experience of building and nurturing government relationships and partner organizations.
3. Experience of designing and executing capacity building and mobilization programs.
4. Candidates must have excellent written/ verbal communication, people management skills and team management skills.


1. Knowledge and experience with FP and gender approaches and tools.
2. Excellent oral and written English skills.
3. Knowledge of local languages is a plus.
4. Sophisticated digital literacy including word processing, database systems, and PowerPoint. Strong command of excel and budget management is a plus.


Interested Candidates can apply for the position of Program Officer-SRH by 26th June 2023.

PCI India is an equal opportunity provider and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion (creed), gender, gender expression, age, national origin (ancestry), disability and/or marital status.

Female candidates are encouraged to apply.

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