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Consultant- Marketing, Supply and Value Chain Research and Design

About the Position

  • Job Title: Consultant- Marketing, Supply and Value Chain Research and Design
  • Number of positions: 1
  • Location: Remote
  • Fees Range: Competitive fees commensurate with experience
  • Type: 120 days within a period of 6 months (September 2024 to January 2025)
  • Qualification required: Masters/ Post Graduation degree or diploma in Business Management with specialization in Marketing, Operations and Procurement from Tier I or Tier II Management Institute in India.

Experience required: -:

  1. 10 to 15 years of experience with any leading FMCG brand in India with credible track record of setting up rural marketing, sales channel and supply chain/ operations set-up particularly in Bihar or Uttar Pradesh.


  • Ready to accept challenges, credible track record in setting up and increasing business volume in FMCG segment, delivery against stiff timelines, project development and market/ business research reporting, high level of computing skills (MS-Office, MIS), multi-tasking and proactive towards solutions.

 Essential Soft Skills:

  1. Open to work in multi-cultural background
  2. Respectful and sensitive towards women and children
  3. Pro-poor approach
  4. Has to be transparent, ethical and accountable.
  5. Adherence to the values of PCI India.

Application closure date: 28th August 2024

Background of Assignment:

There are millions of small entrepreneurs in rural India who manage small shops e.g. grocery, clothes, utensils, stationery, etc and Self- Help Groups (SHG) based enterprises producing and marketing diverse commodities from agriculture to non-farm products. From remote interiors to large villages and local rural markets, the women entrepreneurs, individual producers and producer groups manage the shops & enterprise business with credit support, traditional skills and household resources. Such businesses are core to economic growth of rural India and sustain individual household income to supplying essentials to households and larger markets. Existing in millions but operating on small capital and limited investment capacity, the small business although are lifeline to rural market and households suffer from logistics gaps and quality/ standardized goods access at affordable rates.

The rural entrepreneurs and enterprises are entirely dependent on local suppliers and traders, besides other local/ distant retailers, traders in nearby towns/ cities and to a little extent on ecommerce platforms. But mostly they often do not have access to large traders or registered C&Fs of large brands including local companies. Hence these entrepreneurs and enterprises remain vulnerable to high prices, market fluctuations, lack of ability to negotiate or control, supply gaps, market disruptions and forced on to expired or poor quality or counterfeit commodities.

PCI India a not for profit organization working with several State Rural Livelihood Missions in an effort to strengthen and expand rural livelihood and women’s enterprises is keen to understand the eco-system of rural supply value chain and marketing potential of commodities produced by women enterprises. Rural India needs a sustainable market linked value chain where the product basket will be expanded and small women retailers/ entrepreneurs will be able to expand their shop window. The assignment is to support in developing a market linked supply and value chain strengthening model that would eventually assist women entrepreneurs expand their product basket before their clients and get a fair deal/ price while building their stocks leading to higher revenue and profit. Also the effort is to develop and support women enterprises on marketing their products at best prices to diverse markets at state and national level using different access points including e-commerce.

Key Role/ Result Areas:

  • Discuss with diverse stakeholders, visit rural markets at large to remote village levels to understand the operations and challenges faced by women retailers/ entrepreneurs and individual & women led producer groups.
  • Gather data including vulnerabilities of women entrepreneurs, SHG enterprises and existing procurement/ supply channels including price factors.
  • Map diverse commodities forming the product basket across FMCG commodity segments with the price functions in rural Bihar and develop the understanding for improving the scale of operation, management, sustainability, revenue and efficiency of procurement to support women entrepreneurs & enterprises.
  • Assist in designing a structured supply chain and marketing value chain operation for trial and test for scale-up across the country.
  • Conceptualize and develop management structure including HR, marketing & procurement systems, e-commerce & platforms marketing including B2B & supply channel/ pipeline development, Digital marketing, MIS, accounts, warehousing, stocks & other management systems requirements and overall training needs of people & entrepreneurs operating in the overall eco-system.
  • Submit reports and incorporate feedback to finalize the concept/ design notes and other systems models proposed.

Key Deliverables:

  • Inception report with study design plan including methods to be applied and commodity segment to be explored at retail and enterprise manufacturing level and a list of stakeholders to be visited with tentative field visit plan. To be submitted within 10 days of contract signing.
  • Stakeholder Engagement and Field Research – Field visit and completion of of  retailer/ enterprise supply and marketing vulnerability/ gap study within 35 days post inception report submission/ approval. The study needs to include data analysis across diverse commodity segments and outcomes on operations, sales, marketing, losses, price, revenue, profit margins, influence of market fluctuations and challenges for rural women entrepreneurs and enterprises.  To be submitted and presented to the PCI project in-charge within 10 days of completion of field study.
  • Commodity Mapping, Supply Pipeline, Marketing Scope and Strategic Recommendations – Submission of a strategic plan on how to improve rural supply and marketing value chain in favour of rural women retailers. Entrepreneurs and producer groups/ enterprises including FMCG segment wise commodity mapping and detailed recommendations for farm and non-farm based enterprise marketing strategy, value chain creation and systems requirement with detailed management operations.  To be submitted within 15 days of detailed presentation, feedback incorporation. A presentation is required to be made before the PCI project incharge and other stakeholders for necessary feedback and incorporation of suggestions.
  • Supply Chain and Marketing Value Chain Design – The final deliverable within 20-25 days of Milestone/ Deliverable 3 is a detailed Rural Supply Pipeline model in FMCG & commodity segment favouring rural small retailers/ entrepreneurs and a marketing value chain design system and pilot project model (including training plans & detailed contents for session modules for staff) for test & trial of scale up favouring rural women enterprises. The detailed design has to be presented before PCI project incharge and stakeholders for feedback and finalization to support enhanced livelihood and revenue for the women entrepreneurs and enterprises.

Reporting to:- Sr. Director – Strategic Partnerships & Systems

Recruitment Process

  1. Applications will be shortlisted based on the specified criteria mentioned in the Job Description.
  2. The process could also include presentation of the assignment.
  3. Shortlisted candidates will be invited to attend one or more rounds of panel interview/s.

The complete process usually takes 2 to 3 weeks We prefer in person meetings but in case of location distances, we are happy to meet you virtually.

After the final round, if you are not selected for the position advertised, we will inform you over a mail. However, we invite you to apply to other open positions. We always look forward to engaging with talent that add value to our endeavours in various capacities.

PCI is committed to prevent any type of unwanted behaviour at work including sexual harassment, exploitation and abuse, lack of integrity and financial misconduct.


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